Welcome to Our New Academic Year
Suvranu Ganguli, MD
Vice-President, NESIR
Dear NESIR Colleagues,
Welcome to the 2013-2014 academic year of the New England Society of Interventional Radiology. I am honored to have been elected President of the NESIR for this year and also excited about the opportunity to work with all of you.
I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Suvranu Ganguli will serve as our Vice President. Dr. Ganguli will lead fundraising and outreach efforts and you will be hearing from him on future communications. I thank Dr. Ganguli for accepting this challenge.
Before we move forward, I would like to take a moment and thank Dr. Hirschel McGinnis and all Executive Council members for the outstanding work done this past year. Dr. McGinnis will continue to serve the society as our Secretary and we are working together in exciting new projects for this year.
Looking ahead, we will continue to hold our monthly meetings at the Longwood Inn at the first Monday of the month (please visit nesir.org for details). The first meeting will be held on September 9th. Our featured speaker is Dr. Daniel Brown, Professor of Radiology and Director of Interventional Oncology at the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University. Dr. Brown will be speaking on the management of hepatocellular carcinoma, with a focus on available data (or lack thereof) in order to select the most appropriate treatment modality for different patient groups.
Again, I am excited to be able to contribute to the growth of our society and I am looking forward to seeing you all on September 9th. In the meantime, stay tuned for some news related to our website over the next few days.
Herlen Alencar